Eve’s Coffee has eventually become a regular spot for me to go and hangout… After I wrote my last review on the place, quite a number of changes have happened in their menu which includes a number of new additions to their drinks menu, some new cakes, introduction of a few sundaes and a sandwich menu as well… So, I thought its about time I wrote about atleast some of them, which I found myself liking over the times I have been there since… So, this post is basically that…
First of all, I must congratulate the crew on maintaining the place cause even though its been open all this time, the place still looks new and fresh… In addition to adding to the food menu, they have added a number of new games, books and musical instruments…

So, lets talk about the few one by one…. First off is the Charcoal Milkshakeas shown in the pics below…

As the name suggests, this is a milkshake made with Activated Charcoal powder and because of it, the milkshake has a blackish color as can be seen in the pics… Taste wise its like a regular milkshake that is medium level sweetness but with that slight charred taste from the charcoal powder… The fact that this is a milkshake does indeed make me wonder if the health benefits of Activated Charcoal gets negated or not… But it is a nice milkshake nonetheless… ??

Next up is the Pineapple Crusher… People who know me well would know that Pineapple is my favourite fruit to have and unfortunately the fruit that I am most allergic to as well… However, I still love the flavour and the Pineapple in the syrup form hasn’t triggered the allergic reaction yet and so, when the owner informed me that they make the Pineapple Crusher using the Pineapple Syrup, I just had to try…

Crushers here are mocktails of fruit drinks with crushed Ice… So, It came as be seen in the surrounding pics, in a glass with a slice of lemon… Taste wise, I felt the flavour was good… ie, pretty intense flavour of Pineapple coupled with sweetness thats slightly on the extreme side… But when I asked, they did bring down the sweetness to my liking and it was great… So, if you don’t like high level of sweetness, do tell them and they’ll happily customise it for you… A tip I can give you is to not discard that lemon that they give you… It does wonders when mixed in… Do try… 🙂

Along with the Pineapple Crusher, another crusher I really liked is the Watermelon Crusher… Watermelon is another fruit which I like to have and apparently the only fruit that I am not allergic to 🙂 Nevertheless, I do like its flavour and even as a fruit, its one of my favourite fruits to have especially during summer… It came as shown in the pics below…

Now when I compare this with the Pineapple Crusher, the flavour is not that intense, which to me is a good thing… Since the barista knows me quite well by now, he has given me the drink at the level of sweetness to my liking… The flavour of the watermelon was just right and the addition of the lime makes it even more refreshing especially when you go there from the hot sun outside…

Next up is the Red Wine Sangria which came as shown in the pics below… First of all, a disclaimer is necessary… This is a non-alcoholic drink and the only reason I decided to try it is because it is so… FYI – I am allergic to alcohol too… Even the smell triggers migrane for me and hence I stay as far as I can from them… The last time I had a (Non-Alcoholic) Red Wine Sangria before from here was a few years ago from a place in Bangalore… But I really didn’t like it back then as I found it to be too sour… Usually, the Red Wine Sangria is an an alcoholic cocktail made using Red Wine and a bunch of Fruits and Sparkling Water… Here, its a non-alcoholic mocktail made using a Red Wine flavoured syrup and a mix of fruit juices and served with a slice of Lime…

Even though they say that they use a bunch of fruit mixes along with the Red Wine syrup to balance the flavours, mainly I was able to get three flavours from this… They were Cherries, Grapes and the Lemon… I guess thats coming from the red wine syrup that they use… And also there is a very very slight carbonation feel to it, which I am hoping its either coming from the syrup or that they are adding some sparkling water to it like the traditional recipe… Either ways, this is indeed my current favourite drink from Eve’s Coffee right now and is what I always recommend to people who ask me for suggestions on what to try from there…

Next up is a Sandwich from their Sandwich menu, which is a small menu consisting of a few basic sandwiches namely, Chicken, Vegetable, Egg, Club and a Fruit Jam sandwich as well… The Club Sandwich, when I asked, I found out that its basically the ingredients of the Chicken, Vegetable and Egg sandwiches combined into one… So, I went for that and it came as shown in the pics below…

The Club Sandwich is a famous sandwich recipe which usually consists of Chicken or Fried Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato and Mayonnaise in between 3 slices of bread, which is then cut into 4 and served… Here, we have a pieces of fried Chicken, Egg in the form of an Omelette, Cheese (optional), Vegetables ie, Capsicum, Cucumber, Tomatoes, and Mayonnaise…
Coming to the taste, even though the owner keeps insisting that its a very basic sandwich, personally, I felt that it is one of the best sandwiches available in Trivandrum right now… I mean granted that it looks and sounds basic, but I think what makes this so great is their use of fresh ingredients and also the fact that they have managed to perfectly balance the flavours in it… For example, unlike most places, the amount of mayonnaise used here is just perfect and each and every ingredient is seasoned so perfectly… Even the bread is toasted just to that golden point of it ending up having a thin crispy layer on the outside but its soft inside… This taste is what I always describe as a clean taste where you get to identify and enjoy the taste of each and every ingredient used… As the saying goes, Classics are called Classics for a reason… So, if you haven’t tried this sandwich yet, please do… I always have this sandwich when I am hungry when I go there… 🙂

Next up is a cake that I really liked… I first saw this cake here a few weeks ago and its called the Australian Chocolate Cake which is as shown in the pics below…

Although it kind of looks like the Australian Lamington Cake from the outside, it really isn’t the same… But it is indeed very different from any of the Chocolate Cakes I have ever seen… Here, it looks and tastes like there are granules of Chocolate cakes inside a Vanilla sponge… However, unlike other sponges and quite consistent with how Australian Cakes are known, this cake is incredibly moist inside with a crispy crumbly crust on top… The flavour is just awesome with a not so overpowering taste of Chocolate that works in perfect harmony with the Vanilla and the rest of the cake…
As I said in my previous posts, unlike the sandwiches which is made fresh by them, all the cakes in Eve’s Coffee are procured from other sources most of whom are homecooks… So, kudos to whoever is making and supplying this cake to them… Its really one of the best cakes out there and hence is a must try…

Last but not least is a sundae… There is a nice selection of Sundaes here and the one I am showing here is called White Passion… When I asked about it, I was informed that it consists of Vanilla Ice Cream and a Blondie and then served with a couple of Wafer sticks, Caramel Sauce, Chocolate Sauce and White Chocolate Chips… I liked the sound of that and so it came as shown in the pics below…

First of all, when I heard the description of this, I didn’t quite expect it to be this big… At best, I expected it to be the white version of the Brownie Ala Mode served in the form of a sundae… However, as can be seen in the pics, this came in a tall glass and that glass was packed full… Safe to say, I skipped a meal after having this… 🙂

Now coming to the taste, I have already written about the blondie in a previous post (Click here for it)… The one and only problem I have with this is the level of sweetness which is too high for me but unlike the drinks there is nothing that can be done to customise this to my liking… However, in spite of the sweetness, I felt that the flavours were right in place and the Vanilla flavour from the Ice Cream does indeed cut thru and get balanced with the white chocolate flavour from the blondie as well as the White Chocolate Chips… The Butterscotch wafer sticks felt a bit on the odd side, but having the ice cream with the blonde and the chocolate syrup felt quite good to taste, again ignoring the sweetness levels… I don’t quite understand what the caramel sauce is bringing into the picture and considering the sweetness, my suggestion to the owner was to if possible avoid else reduce its presence… Still, if you really have the sweet tooth, this is the sundae for you…

So, altogether, as I said at the beginning, Eve’s has indeed become my regular spot and in this post, I have pretty much covered all if not most of my favourites from their menu (others in previous posts)… I was told by the owner that they are currently trying some experiments to come up with some new, even better new menu items… So, I for one am eagerly waiting to see what they are… So, until then… 🙂 🙂
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